Welcome to the HerpNet provider of the Royal Museum for Central Africa,
set up by the zoology department with the help of Metafro and ICT!

Some Useful links:

Search interface of the RMCA-HERPNet project (data on our Amphibian collections)

GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) - Network of international institutions offering their distribution and taxonomic databases in public access

Biocase. Project developping an open-source server and proposing informatical standards for the GBIF Network

HerpNet. International Network promoting information about herpetological collections

DiGIR. Open-source server for biological databases. Also used by the GBIF network (with BIOCASE)

SYNTHESYS Itineraries. A project driven by the RMCA with the support of the European SYNTHESYS program, for the modelization of routes followed by collectors

FishBase. Database containing information about fish collections of several international institutions

Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren